Integrating/Harmonizing the Absolute (nirvana) and the Relative (samsara) through making Time an ally:
One can think of the Absolute as the free, unhindered vibration of Unconditional Love, and the Relative as the realm of all Stories (Form, the material, words, that which wraps around and dresses Essence). In balancing and integrating these two, it can be helpful to see what it looks like to be out of balance. What could be termed “Bypassing” is premature disassociation from story (caused by overwhelm). It is a perfectly natural response, and is often the system’s way of saying “Take it slow, and see if you can ease into noticing your feelings.” Not to be mistaken with True Freedom however. It can be likened to the Buddhist concept of “secondary suffering” which is a layer over primary suffering. What we call “Suffering” is being caught in the stories as in a whirlwind, giving our power over to them and feeling helpless/powerless. When we feel this, it is our system’s way of saying, “Wake up! Take a breath of free, spacious air. Notice what is dragging you around, because you are ready to do the work to transcend it (victimhood)." Integration point is in the Golden Center (what could be called Unity Consciousness). From this place, one sits as in the Eye of the Storm, feeling, healing and forgiving all of it, with a keen sense of right timing, existing simultaneously in a state of Nirvana and Samsara, not ignoring but rather infusing the Relative with the Gnosis of the Absolute. Think of it as Spiritual digestion. We are returning to the memory of ourselves as living libraries that contain all frequencies within us, and in order to evolve beyond unneccessary fear (which keeps these frequencies in disharmony), we must go through healing processes which will look unique to each of us in order to arrive at a place of true forgiveness and re-assimilation of all aspects of ourselves that have been estranged, to welcome them Home to the Center of our All-Encompassing Nature. On using Time as an Ally: We recognize that Time, like our egos, personalities, and minds, is component of the Relative Blueprint. That is, it is not to be denied (suppressed), nor is it to be given the false power we have given it. These are all components that hold the Third Dimension together so they do have an important role. But it need not be fixed. As we move into 5D and beyond, and reclaim our co-creative capacity by submitting our 3D will to our higher dimensional Will (thus ensuring that our creation happen responsibly and in alignment with the Highest Good of All), we can influence these relative third-dimensional ingredients by channeling higher frequency energies that can mold and shape time and space. In this way we have the capacity to heal and reclaim all fragmented parts of ourselves as individuals, as a collective, as a planet, as a Universe, and to bring the remembrance of our multi-dimensional nature and potency into the Present Moment, infusing the Third Dimension with the energies that will heal and re-balance it. When we recognize that in the higher dimensions, Time is infinite, it relieves all pressure and force from this process, and this healing process can ease through our channel in a way that honors our Relative Self’s ability to smoothly digest, integrate and re-stabilize. Intend for this process to occur at a pace which is Self-Loving. The false pressure and urgency of Time is an illusion. As is the stasis of feeling entrapped in a cage. There is no need to force your awakening process by speeding it up out of impatience (to get it over with/move through the discomfort which is simply the thawing of many layers of numbness and forgetfulness), nor is there a need to hold onto the isolation of separateness. It is absolutely safe to emerge, so long as it happens naturally and without force, and to withdraw, so long as it is done naturally and without grasping. In this way we can be in partnership with Time and with Story, just as with our minds and egos and all else that is relative (all of Samsara and the Material, every-changing reality), all of which is here to support us in anchoring and grounding Absolute Unconditional Love, thus dissolving the illusion that the Absolute and the Relative are at war with one another. We have been at war within ourselves and amongst ourselves for a long time. It is time for Peace. This Peace is absolutely rooted in Self-Love, which is the most important work we can do in this time, and which will lead each of us beautifully in offering service to the whole in our own unique ways. ~ In Love ~
March 2020
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