It's difficult to know where to begin in expressing what Organic Intelligence is, to me. I could say that it's a form of nervous system regulation therapy and trauma healing, but that would be like describing the crumb of the cookie. I could say that it's a form of practice, a way of engaging with others, with life, and with the world that can be practiced in every moment of every day, and still, I would only be describing the cookie in the cookie box. The cookie box is...the Matrix of existence. It is the living, breathing soup we simmer in. It is the mycelial network of our bodies and minds as humans. If we were a forest, our nervous systems would be the mycelium growing between us, sending nutrients and messages back and forth. It would be the web that unites us all, and which allows for differentiated fractal experience to blossom, flourish and thrive in an integrated way. Organic Intelligence is as cosmic as it is earthy, and as collective as it is individual. It is interdependence. Organic Intelligence is teaching me how my body-mind operates, and how to be in harmonic communication with other body-minds. It is teaching me the technology of being embodied. It is teaching me how to speak the language of being human, and of being a living organism on this planet earth. It is teaching me how my soul's gifts can express themselves through the natural and innate intelligence that the technology of my body-mind provides. Organic Intelligence as a practice is what I'm excited to share with you. It is a therapeutic process that heals trauma, but it does not do this by focusing on trauma as an enemy to be uprooted and discarded. It does not focus on the symptoms (nor does it deny them), but rather it is rooted in the understanding that wholeness is available and always speaking to us, calling itself forward in our beings, in every moment, of every day, because we are designed to evolve holistically. We are designed to heal. We are designed to retrieve and integrate all of the fragmented parts of ourselves in order to become the fullness of what we are destined to become. It's not something that requires our going outside of ourselves, but rather, it is already embedded in our cellular structure, in our DNA, in our biology. Organic Intelligence is the practice of learning how to read the map of that biology in such a deep, refined and subtle way, so as to know how to support it to stabilize, move and flourish in the direction of healthy, self-organized evolution, both for ourselves, and for the world we inhabit, because the two go together. It is an inner and an outer revolution combined in one, pulsing, rhythmic, attuned way of walking. Organic Intelligence teaches us to sink into and rise up to the natural organic rhythms of our biology, and of the ecosystem(s) that we inhabit, rhythms unique to each of us, yet tuned into a collective Rhythm, which I like to call the Pulse of Gaia, her planetary heartbeat. Attuned to this rhythmicity, all manner of healing is possible, and clear pathways of growth and evolution emerge. Personally for me, Organic Intelligence, and its cousin Somatic Experiencing, have assisted me in bridging the gap between what I experienced as a fragmentation between the longing and passion of my spirit, and the deep woundedness of conditioning and trauma stored in my body-mind. Not only personal trauma, but collective trauma, inter-generational trauma, and the trauma of Earth herself. In the bridging of that gap, I am experiencing not only a relief of the symptoms of trauma, but a core aliveness which fuels me to act in service to the collective living-breathing organism Gaia, of which I am a part. Organic Intelligence is assisting me in maturing my relationship with suffering, teaching me how to use it as a gateway to positive evolution, and how to navigate challenges in a way that is actually enjoyable and pleasurable. It is infusing the processes of growth, healing and transformation with an essential joy. I am excited to see where this work will take me as I deepen and widen into the field of studying, embodying and practicing Organic Intelligence, and I look forward to sharing it with you. ****** *Please reach out if you'd like to learn more about Organic Intelligence or if you are interested in experiencing an Organic Intelligence healing session * * And to read more about the lineage and foundation of O.I., check out the website: *
March 2020
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