In Alchemical understanding, dimensions are not hierarchical but rather like ripples in a pond: as one expands outward into larger dimensions, they do not exclude but rather include and encompass what came before. Moving forward is not about rejecting the past, but it does require the courage to loosen the hold on the past that keeps us locked in the egg we are ready to break through and out of into the next level of growth. To retaliate against what led us to this moment would be to continue to buy into a paradigm which believes there is only “one right way,” and that is precisely what feels to be different about the collective evolutionary process we are undergoing: we are realizing that there is no “right way,” but rather that the wisdom we have gained is thanks to the contribution of every aspect of experience, the contribution of every group of people of every age and every diversity that has come before, and that the harmonization of the symphony of Earth depends on the invitation to hear every voice’s true song, the true song being that which shines forth when all cloudiness of fear is polished off of the surface of its essence. We can sing ourselves to freedom by finding our true voices and joining in the chorus of a United Earth, gathering around the Tree of Life and activating a New Paradigm anchored in Love.
In 2012, during my spiritual illness I received a vision of what I called a “Healing Mecca.” I was looking down upon North America and was seeing lines of people caravanning from every direction toward a bright white light with the power to heal every ailment on the planet. People were coming in steady streams, and those who had arrived before would welcome each new wave of weary travelers, give them food to eat, water to drink and medicine for healing. With each new arrival the resources of the healing village grew, so that without a doubt no matter what found its way to this place through the fogs of suffering could be assured that whatever medicine was needed could be found in this place, among these awakened ones who had all stepped into their power as an interdependent web that was the perfect combination of the beauty of individual uniqueness and the strength of collective intention. These “awakened ones” are us.
I am interested in what can happen when the energy that has been spent maintaining the Old Paradigm of fear, division, and brutal survivalism is freed at the COLLECTIVE LEVEL to make space for a flourishing, thriving, creative, indeed ecstatic experience on THIS PHYSICAL EARTH.
As Jesus said, The Kingdom of Heaven is here on Earth. I believe that his message was a seed planted in the deep crust of the planet which is only just now finally breaking the soil at the level of collective understanding. It takes time for energy to move through subtle realms and make its way into the physical. We have to understand: What does that mean? What does it mean? I am very curious myself!
And I believe this is where our power as co-creators lies in this time. When we realize that this is our playing field, our blank canvas and stop giving our power over to the Old Paradigm fear vibrations that have been writing the story, what will we create??? What beauty we can create now with the wisdom we have harvested from the past, knowing what did not feel good! There is no need to repeat what we already know does not feel good. We CAN be finished with it. We DO have the power to let it go.
What is helping me to let it go is a deep Trust in the natural intelligence of the collective unfolding, a feminine intelligence not unlike the intelligence of a seed in the earth unfurling its tender green flesh, a trust that doesn’t hesitate to question whether the sun will be there on the other side of the ground, and the air, the water. It is the same trust I feel we must practice with each other as we awaken in this new paradigm.
We are a collective of individual aspects awakening to our Oneness and learning how we can support each other through the unique gifts we have each developed, which to me means not only our physical skill sets but our energetic, emotional, mental and vibrational talents. In other words, we recognize each other’s inherent value as fellow souls in this collective family who contribute to the whole simply by Being who we are and letting go of any resistance or shame we might have to simply being that. No need to prove ourselves. When we can rest in the knowingness of our wholeness and the state of freedom that is our birthright, our true and unique talents, songs and contributions can pour out into the world as a symphony of a celebration!
I am talking about the quality of life that is possible when the world is anchored in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Art by Gael Nagle
*Message from the Bird Tribes*
"The incarnational process is a process of relaxation. It is a process of relaxing all thinking that is born from straining and holding on. It is a process of choosing not to struggle against the current of what comes to you through the natural movement of your heart...The process of relaxing all thoughts that require tension to sustain them is a process of relaxing habits of the past and awakening to the reality of your own spiritual presence. It is a process of losing interest in fearful ways of walking upon the earth and choosing to create your world in love through the action of your open heart...Should you perceive a problem, you surround that problem with love. You define it in love. You recognize that it is caused by the lack of love that lies behind all problems. And with love you introduce the understanding that provides the solution. On the incarnational journey, you lose interest in all that perpetuates this rapidly passing state of illusion on earth and you become keenly interested in what is in the process of replacing it. You begin to perceive an emerging Sacred Reality...Pouring forth from the heart of the Nagual are powerful streams of energy, which we of the angelic tribes channel into the emotional field around the earth. These energies are designed for creation, but when they meet with disharmony, as in the case with your present day human world, they translate into energies of healing, forgiveness and education. We can direct these energies in the general sense, but before they can reach their full power, they must be consciously directed by people who are awake and incarnate on earth. Only then do they enter the realms of specific application that will release their fullness and, during the remainder of this cycle, complete the healing of your race. You are being invited to open your heart and make a welcome for these immense creative energies. You are being invited to help direct the powers of eternal love." ~Ken Carey